Les transitions occupationnelles dans l’expérience des cancers chez l’adulte en France : un défi permanent

Occupational transition in the cancer experience of adults in France: a continuous challenge

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Summary :

Cancers are considered chronic diseases that impact and disrupt people’s lives. Cancers are the cause of many changes and more particularly of many occupational transitions, disrupting everyone’s life habits. This article, which is the result of an introductory research, examines the changes in occupational routines experienced and deemed significant by people living with cancer, from diagnosis to remission. A narrative inquiry has been chosen in order to effectively communicate the meaning of occupations. Five interviews were conducted with adults in remission in order to gather their stories and experiences during the different stages of their illness. The results of this investigation confirm that there are numerous occupational as well as emotional transitions. Cancer experience is unique to each person and encourages discovery and engagement in new meaningful activities, which generally contain a spiritual dimension that foster the notion of adjustment and acceptance of the disease.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Louise Boëffard

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Étudiante en Master Maladies Chroniques et Handicap – Éducation Thérapeutique du Patient (ETP)
    Université de la Sorbonne

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